October has come to an end and that means the end of Down Syndrome Awareness month and the end of the 31 for 21 blog challenge. Although I didn't quite manage to blog every single day this month, I hope you enjoyed following our family and learning a thing or two about Down Syndrome.
Just because the month is over doesn't mean I won't be blogging anymore of course and I hope you'll continue to read along.
Aaron has brought so much to our lives but the greatest gift he has given us is a new perspective on life. There is no way to really explain it adequately. He gave me the ability to see that the world is so much bigger than I had come to believe. That what is going on in my little world shouldn't consume me. That there are many, many people out there who are still discriminated against because of their "disabilities". That I can make a difference, even if I am just one person. If I make a difference in just one person, it is still a step forward. That I can take something that terrified me just three years ago and turn it into a passion that I will work tirelessly for. That even though people with Down Syndrome look a little different and learn a little differently, they absolutely deserve a chance at life and they make a positive difference in this world. I have no doubt that my little boy is going to grow up and do great things.
Thank you for taking the time to read my blogs and for supporting my family!
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